Don’t Get Too Close to The Darkness Inside…

My name is Lia Herbert and I know something that might shock most people: Angels are not always the good guys. I learned that after one of them killed my parents.

Since then, my life has been a rollercoaster. In a matter of days since the angel attacked I was taken to Hell, commissioned by the fallen angel Lucifer, and given my own demon guardians. I know what you’re thinking: that’s so, rock and roll. But the reason the angels are after me and the reason Lucifer wants me is because I can do something terrible—I can make angels fall.

THE WINGS OF HEAVEN AND HELL is the alluring first installment in The Arcadian Steel Sequence. A Young Adult horror romance full of dark atmosphere, gloomy intrigue, and supernatural exploits that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is among the Young Adult books to read this Fall.